What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

1. 致虚极,守静笃

2. 夏侯勝、黃霸既久繫,霸欲從勝受《尚書》,勝辭以罪死。霸曰:“朝聞道,夕死可矣。”勝賢其言,遂授之。



Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Patch Adams (1998)

"Now you have the ability to keep me from graduating. You can keep me from getting the title and the white coat. But you can't control my spirit, gentlemen. You can't keep me from learning, you can't keep me from studying. So you have a choice: you can have me as a professional colleague, passionate, or you can have me as an outspoken outsider, still adament. Either way I'll probably still be viewed as a thorn. But I promise you one thing: I am a thorn that will not go away"--.Patch Adams (1998)

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